To activate the FREE trial, do not click the Buy button. Instead, simply click the Download button above and install the app. You can use it for FREE for 10 days.
Enable Auto-Replies and IGdm Pro will automatically respond to new messages to keep your prospects engaged while you're away.
You can schedule messages to be sent at a later time.
Send bulk messages to up to 1000 users at once with dynamic personalisation for each recipient. You can also send mass messages to your followers.
Automatically send intro message to users who recently followed you on Instagram. This is great to engage new prospects effortlessly without manual input.
Generate leads by extracting the users who liked a post, or the users who follow a specific Instagram account
View the list of users that are not following you back.
IGdm Pro provides a setting that allows you prevent users from receiving read receipts.
You can save videos and images in the instagram posts that a shared with you in a chat.
IGdm Pro comes with a "Quick Reply" feature which allows you save frequently used messages so you can re-use them with just a few clicks.
Filter your chat list based read and unread messages. IGdm Pro offers the feature to re-organise your conversations by grouping them with different labels.
You can create reminders so the App can remind you about a conversation you want to attend to in the future.
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